
Sketch ch ch!

After I read some article of Walt Stanchfield ; Notes from Walt Stanchfield’s Disney Drawing Classes. It helps me a lot with drawing also inspiring me more than ever

Animation and Sketching
Animation! This is your main concern - this is the vehicle you have chosen to express yourself in. A whole list of "tools" are required: drawing, timing, phasing, action, acting, pantomime, staging imagination, observation, interpretation, logics, caricature, creativity, clarity, empathy. etc., a mind boggling array of prerequisites. Rest at ease. You were born with all of them. Some of them may need a little

sharpening, others may need to be awakened as from a deep sleep, but they are

as much a part of you as arms, legs, eyes, kidneys, hemoglobin, speech,
etc. Reading and observing are two emancipators of the dormant areas of the mind. Read the
classics, biographies, humor, mysteries and comic books. Observe, observe, observe. Be like
a sponge
- suck up everything you can lay your eyes on. Look for the unusual, the common,
characters, situations, compositions, attitudes study shapes, features, perso

nalities, activities,
details, etc.

Carry a sketch book - a cheap one so you won't worry about wasting a page. Sketch in the
underground, while watching television, in pubs, at horse shows. Draw constantly. Interest in
life will grow. Ability to solve drawing problems will be sharpened. Creative juices will surge.
just for example if you need full of this article and others click this out >>> PIP <<< hope these inspired you guys like me :) enjoy it !

For last few days before I started sketch some clips from youtube . I've got this clip via my friend from facebook. I think it's a great one to study some poses , curve and line of the body. Let start with it :)

Left :was from my favorite dance cover called "Black Queen" with
really nice situate , clear curve and line. It was so amazing!

Right : I've got this via my friend from facebook great one as well check this out

another one from while I watched Narnia on my Ipod touch and one of my favorite music video "Parachute"

hope this article works for you guys ;)
and don't forget Walt Stanchfield's word...

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